金剛能楽堂 公演のご案内
公演のご案内 2014年3月・4月
第三回 金剛定期能
番組 演者
解 説 廣田幸稔

ワキ/村山 弘
間 /茂山逸平
笛 /光田洋一

狂言 呂 蓮 シテ/茂山七五三
仕舞 田 村キリ 宇高竜成
二人静クセ 金剛龍謹
野 守 豊嶋晃嗣
海 人 シテ/種田道一
ワキ/原 大
子方/辻 剛史
間 /松本 薫
笛 /杉 市和
A Merchant who has thrown his son out of the house after being mislead by the slanderous words of his new wife has since learned that the boy was not actually at fault at all. The Merchant goes to Shintenno-ji Temple to distribute alms as an act of penance. While he is there he sees a young blind beggar, who is called Yoroboshi, or the Priest with Faltering Steps, because of his piety and his affliction. As he observes the boy he realizes that this is, in fact, his son. After listening to the boy's meditations and giving him alms he reveals his identity. At first the boy is ashamed and starts to run away, but then the two prepare to return home together.
A Priest stops at a Tea Shop and asks for lodging for the night. The Tea Shop Owner readily invites him to stay, and then asks him many questions about heaven and hell and the religious life. The Tea Shop Owner then asks the Priest to shave his head and make him a priest, too. The Priest says he can do that, but first must confirm that this decision is approved by the Tea Shop Owner's Wife. The Tea Shop Owner assures him that there is no problem and without further ado the Priest shaves his head. When the Wife appears to tell them dinner is ready she is shocked and angry to find that her husband has become a Priest....
A young Court Minister travels with his retainers to the bay of Shido-no-ura in hopes of finding out about the mystery of his mother's identity. He meets a Woman Diver there who tells the group about famous scenes and incidents that took place there. One of these is the retrieval of a Buddhist jewel from the Dragon King's palace under the sea by a Diver. The Woman Diver acts out how, to assure that she could get away with the jewel, she cut open her breast and hid the jewel inside, knowing that the dragon guardians would not come near an unclean corpse. She reveals that she the ghost of the Diver who was, in fact, the the Minister's mother and asks him to say prayers on her behalf.
Later she appears as a Dragon Woman and rejoices in her son's piety and dances.
Unauthorized photography or any other kind of documentation is strictly prohibited.
Cell phones should be turned off or set on silent mode during performances.
■主催 金剛能楽会

開場 午後1時
開演 午後1時30分
終演予定 午後5時30分頃

■会場 金剛能楽堂  》 地図
■チケット 前売券 5,500円
当日券 6,000円
学生券 3,000円
■取扱い 【金剛能楽堂】
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