金剛能楽堂 公演のご案内
公演のご案内 2014年1月・2月
第二回 金剛定期能
番組 演者
解 説 種田道一
仕舞 淡 路 宇高徳成
巻 絹 廣田泰能
芦 刈キリ 今井克紀
采 女

ワキ/村山 弘
間 /松本 薫
笛 /森田保美
大鼓/河村 大

狂言 茶 壺 シテ/茂山千三郎
アド/網谷正美、松本 薫
仕舞 雲林院クセ 金剛永謹
国 栖 シテ/廣田幸稔
ワキ/原 大
ワキツレ/小林 努、岡 充
間 /茂山良暢、山口耕道
笛 /左鴻泰弘
大鼓/辻 芳昭
NOH: UNEME 'The Lady-in-waiting'
A Priest visiting shrines and temples in Nara meets a Woman who takes him to see Sarasawa Pond. She tells him the story of a Lady-in-waiting who drowned herself there after being cast off by the emperor who had at first shown her great love, revealing that she is, in fact, that woman. The Priest offers prayers on her behalf and she later appears in her true form. She dances, remembering the wonderful entertainments of the past such as parties on dragon and phoenix boats on Sarasawa Pond, and as the night draws to a close, sinks back into the pond.
A Country Man who has just bought an urn of tea for his Master and had a few drinks to close the deal lies down to take a rest at the side of the road. A Shyster comes by, sees the sleeping figure and the tea urn, and decides to see if he can't trick the Country Man out of his tea. The Shyster lies down, too, and slips his own arm through one of the carrying straps for the urn. When the Country Man wakes up, the Shyster insists that the Country Man is trying to steal his tea and then insists that they find an Arbiter to decide who it belongs to, thinking that he will bribe the Arbiter to decide the case in his favor. However, the Arbiter has his own ideas of who will get the urn of tea....
Emperor Kiyomibara flees to the Yoshino mountains in Nara after his throne is usurped by his uncle. An Old Fisherman and an Old Woman offer him protection there from men sent out to search for him.
When the danger has passed they disclose that they Gods of the mountain and later a Goddess appears and dances, followed by Zao Gongen, the chief figure worshiped in mountain asceticism central to the Yoshino area, who promises to protect the Emperor and his reign.
Unauthorized photography or any other kind of documentation is strictly prohibited.
Cell phones should be turned off or set on silent mode during performances.
■主催 金剛能楽会

開場 午後1時
開演 午後1時30分
終演予定 午後5時40分頃

■会場 金剛能楽堂  》 地図
■チケット 前売券 5,500円
当日券 6,000円
学生券 3,000円
■取扱い 【金剛能楽堂】
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