金剛能楽堂 公演のご案内
公演のご案内 2013年7月・8月
第七回 金剛定期能
番組 演者
解説 植木朝子(同志社大学教授)
仕舞 敦盛 キリ 重本昌也
班女 舞アト 豊嶋幸洋
大江山 宇竜成
六 浦

ワキツレ/小林 努、岡 充
間 /松本 薫
笛 /左鴻泰弘

狂言 成上り シテ/茂山正邦
仕舞 金剛永謹
歌 占 シテ/廣田幸稔
ワキ/原 大
子方/西村 墾
笛 /森田保美
小鼓/林 吉兵衛
NOH: MUTSURA It is autumn and a Priest from Kyoto visiting the Kamakura area stops at Shomyo Temple in the coastal town of Mutsura. He is struck by the fact that one maple tree has not changed color, but is still green. A Young Woman appears and explains that long ago the poet Fujiwara no Tamasuke composed a poem in praise of the beauty of the brocade created by the maple trees. One tree became enlightened as a result of the poem and decided to never again change it's colors. Later the Spirit of the Maple Tree appears and dances in praise of Buddhism which offers enlightenment to all sentient beings.
KYOGEN: NARIAGARI Taro Kaja goes with his Master on a yearly pilgrimage to Kiyomizu Temple. They spend the night there and while they are sleeping a Trickster steals the Master's sword and replaces it with a bamboo pole. Taro Kaja makes up a series of stories to explain this strange metamorphosis and in return is scolded for his carelessness in not keeping better watch over the sword...
NOH: UTA-URA A Shaman from Futami in Ise has a reputation for his success in telling fortunes by interpreting poem cards his clients choose. A Man approaches him to ask about his father's health and also about the fate of a young boy in his charge. The Shaman tells their fortunes, saying the man's father will live and that the boy will be reunited with his father. He then goes on, at their urging, to describe the different levels of hell as he experienced them when he was possessed and was unconscious for three days.He enacts the horrors he faced, which have turned his hair white. Coming to his senses again he reveals that he is
Unauthorized photography or any other kind of documentation is strictly prohibited.
Cell phones should be turned off or set on silent mode during performances.
■主催 金剛能楽会

開場 午後1時
開演 午後1時30分
終演予定 午後5時30分過ぎ頃

■会場 金剛能楽堂  》 地図
■チケット 前売券 5,500円
当日券 6,000円
学生券 3,000円
■取扱い 【金剛能楽堂】
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